Full Stack MEAN Developer program provides complete knowledge of software development and testing technologies such as JavaScript, Node.js, Angular, Docker, and Protractor. You’ll build an end-to-end application, test and deploy code, and store data using MongoDB. Full Stack Web Development is nothing but complete designing of both websites and applications where the developers need to work from frontend to backend development

  • Basic knowledge of any programming language will be beneficial.
  • Implement OOPS using JAVA with Data Structures and Beyond
  • Become a back-end expert
  • Implement Frameworks the DevOps way
  • Develop a Web Application using frontend stack
  • Testing in a DevOps Lifecycle
  • Full Stack Java Developer Capstone Project

40 Days (also available fast track course with short term duration)

  • Flexible Schedules
  • Live Online Training
  • Training by highly experienced and certified professionals
  • No slideshow (PPT) training, fully Hand-on training
  • Interactive session with interview QA’s
  • Real-time projects scenarios & Certification Help
  • 24 X 7 Support
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: 8895-444-6858
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: info@ennares.com